Fix iPhone Video Flickering Issue When Recording at Night Time

Fix iPhone video flickering

Are you facing a flickering problem while trying to record videos at night on your iPhone? Then you should read this article, we have made a simple guide on how to fix this video flickering problem on your iPhone.

Everyone knows that iPhone cameras are amazing both during the day and at night. However, the flickering problem occurs when recording video at night. This may not happen every time but it does happen when you try to record a bright scene. Fortunately, there is a way to easily fix the video flickering problem on any iPhone by slightly changing the camera settings. Without further ado let’s begin.

Fix the iPhone Camera Blinking issue

The blinking problem with the iPhone camera can occur due to various reasons. One common cause is exposure problems, especially in bright lighting conditions when taking photos or recording videos. Follow the below steps to fix the iPhone video flickering problem.

  1. Open settings apps on your iPhone device.
  2. Go to Camera > Record Video > Enable the “Show PAL Formats” option.
  3. You will see new formats in the list, select the PAL format from the available formats.
  4. Now you can record the videos on your iPhone without any flickering issues.
Fix iPhone video flickering

What is PAL? What does it do?

PAL stands for Phase Alternating Line. It gives you high-quality videos in artificial lighting with no flickering on your iPhone, making your videos look amazing. There are many other video formats and frame rates you can choose from in your Camera app and your Settings. However, compared to other settings it is the easiest way to fix the flickering issue.

Well, that’s it for this article, hope it helped you with your problem. Make sure to share it with your fellow iPhone-using friends and family.